Wednesday, April 19, 2006

That's Pretty Cool...

This morning, on the way to the train station, I noticed that there were a lot of helicopters hovering around the freeway. Then I noticed that the past three exits of Northbound I-5 were blocked by police on motorcycles and that every overpass had a single police car with its lights flashing. Then Becca said, "Whoa!" And we saw about 40 police motorcycles in perfect formation, followed by 10 police cars, several black SUVs and limousines, three busses, more police cars, and more motorcycles. Can you guess what all that was about? We saw President Hu Jianto's motorcade! He was on his way to visit the Boeing plant in Everett. It was pretty cool. Here's a video of the motorcade on it's way back to Seattle from Everett. I know it's silly, but I feel kind of important--like I just saw the President of China!


  1. Jeana: You'll never guess who I saw today!

    Geary: Who?

    Jeana: You saw him too?

    Geary: Who?

    Jeana: That's right! Hu!

    Geary: Who?!

    Jeana: You know who!

    Geary: Who the hell are you talking about?

    Jeana: Hu!

  2. Hmm...I see you have a typo. "President of China" should probably read "Dictator of China."


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