Monday, August 07, 2006

Pre-School Worries

Yesterday, Noah and I were talking about pre-school.

Jeana: Are you excited to go to big boy school?
Noah: Uh-huh! I can do letters, and numbers, and blocks! But...Mom? I have a question...
Jeana: What's your question?
Noah: Do they have a bathroom at big boy school?
Jeana: Yep. You can go potty at pre-school just like you do at home.
Noah (on the verge of tears): Do I have to take bath there? I don't want to take a shower!
Jeana: No, you can just take baths or showers at home, okay? No baths at school. Noah...why are you scared about baths at school?
Noah: 'Cause I don't want other kids to play with my bath pirates!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad there's another entry in the excellent adventures of the cute one.

  2. Hahaha! Ever since Charles Schwaab began making cartoon commercials, kids have taken a HUGE interest in their financial portfolios. It's gonna be bigger than Pokemon!


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