Thursday, September 15, 2005

Kidney Stone Update

Well, I haven't been able to pass the stone on my own so...I'm scheduled to have surgery on Friday afternoon. The procedure only takes about an hour and I'll get to go home the same day.

Right now Noah is staying with my parents in Maple Valley. He's having a great time and I've heard they might even go to the Puyallup Fair this weekend.

I've been sleeping the pain away with my new best friend, Vicodin.

After the procedure, Noah and I are going to back to Albany, OR and back to my favorite nurse so that I can recuperate while having my son taken care of. I'll miss Geary a lot, but I really think this is the best situation.

So basically, Noah gets a month of Grandma time. He had Grandma Mary for the first week of September, Grandma Garyanna for the second, Granny (my mom) for the third week, and next week he gets Grandma Garyanna again. Seems like the hardest part of this whole kidney stone thing will be de-spoiling the boy...


  1. And that would be the rights of the grandparents. :-) I follow your blog regularly and wish you the best. You are very lucky to have the supportive family that you do.

  2. Thanks y-vonne! I completely agree that we are supremely blessed with a supportive and wonderful family. =)


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