Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ringing in the New Year with a CLANG!

The clang of an animal trap, that is. We finally caught the squirrel. Last week Geary went to the hardware store and bought one of those humane animal traps. We set it up with peanut butter and Geary put it up in the attic. Then he worked tirelessly at sealing off every possible squirrel entry on the house with mesh screen.

A couple days ago I was unloading groceries from the car when I heard a squirrel chattering above me. It was trapped by the screen and it sounded mad! I told Geary, "I'm pretty sure we've trapped them in."

For the next few days we heard constant thumping, scuffling, and tapping coming from our attic. And then early this morning I heard the tell-tale clunk of the trap door closing. Sure enough, it was a large squirrel.

Geary drove the trap out to the wilderness (i.e. Dundee) and set the squirrel free. Sadly, once Geary had loaded the trap back into the trunk and was backing away he ran over the squirrel...

Okay, okay, that last part didn't really happen. But Geary did tell me that it did and my jaw did drop. Thankfully, he was just kidding! The squirrel simply ran away, probably to annoy some vineyard owner. Good riddance!


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