Monday, December 03, 2007

Interview with a 5 year old

Jeana: So do you feel older?

Noah: Well, I think five is still young.

Jeana: Do you feel five?

Noah: I am five!

Jeana: Did you have a good birthday?

Noah: Yeah, it was really good.

Jeana: What was your favorite part?

Noah: Um...all of it!

Jeana: Great! What were some of the best parts?

Noah: When Granny came to see me...all my presents like my Thomas trains, and DVDs, and Spiderman watch, and my camera! Playing Legos with Uncle Jared. And I liked reading to everyone and my sea turtle cake...there was only one part that was no good.

Jeana: What part?

Noah: When I kept cutting peoples' heads off.

Jeana: With your camera, you mean?

Noah: Yeah. But now I can take good pictures! Wanna see?

To see more of Noah's photography click here.


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