Monday, July 16, 2007

Mistaken Identity

While we were in Moscow I took the boys to a playground. There must have been a playgroup meeting there because there was a neat huddle of mommies around the benches and tons of kids climbing all over the equipment. One little boy was whining quite loudly and I heard his mother say, "Austin, why don't you go play over there with Luke." So Austin headed over to where Noah and another little boy were digging in the sand.

Soon the three of them started a game of chase and Austin shouted gleefully, "I'm gonna get you, Luke!" They played like this for a while until the other little boy left and Austin said, "Luke, wanna play in the slide?" He continued to call Noah "Luke" until finally Noah lowered his eyebrows and said, "My name is Noah."

Austin dropped jaw, threw his hands in the air, whipped around to look at his mom and exclaimed, "Well, then who's Luke?"


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