Thursday, March 08, 2007

Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery

I had my 36 week OB appointment this week. I can't believe my due date is less than a month away! At this point with Noah I was more than ready to give birth and feeling pretty impatient during that last month. This time around I'm more content to let the little one hang out in there a while longer. Maybe because this time I know what's coming! All of us are getting really excited, though, especially Noah. I'm hoping that during the next few weeks we'll create some special memories of just the three of us. These are our last days as a single child family and I want to cherish them.

Good news! The baby is head down and in prime birth position! Now, hopefully he stays there. I'm guessing he will just by the fact that there isn't enough room for him to flip over. He's still very active but the movements are more squirmy and less punchy. When Noah sees my belly changing shape because of the baby's movements he says, "Toby is blobbing out!"

I was tested for Group B Strep at this last appointment, too. I tested positive with Noah and I thought it was 'once a carrier, always a carrier,' but I guess that is not always the case. I'll find out next week what the results are. From here on out I'll see my doctor every week until the baby is born!


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