Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Last Saturday, our family was eating lunch in the Food Court of Factoria Mall. Geary went to get some napkins and Noah grabbed the bottle cap from a bottle of rootbeer and said, "Hey, Mom! Wanna play Moot?" Suddenly, I saw my son as a 5th grader explaining the rules of some school cafeteria table game he had invented. This precocious almost 4 year old turned 10 before my eyes and I realized again how quickly they grow up.

"Sure," I replied, "How do you play Moot?" Noah gave me the grin of a 4 year old 5th grader and flicked the bottle cap toward me. "Moot!" he exclaimed in a silly high pitched voice. And just as suddenly, he was back. My giggling almost 4 year old whispered, "I won!" But my heart said, "No, son. I won. I won when God gave me his beloved prize--you."


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