Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Did you know...

It takes approximately 15 towels (a.k.a. every towel you own) to clean up the flooded bathroom from when you forgot you were running a bath for your three year old son and aforementioned three year old didn't say anything because he was hiding in his room and being super quiet hoping that you would forget so that he wouldn't have to take a bath and all of sudden you thought, "Hey it's too quiet" and you went to check on your child and instead your foot landed in a very wet and squishy section of carpet and you noticed water pouring out from under the bathroom door and when you opened the door you heard this "whooooosh!" sound and warm water instantly surrounded your ankles? Oh, really? You've never done that? Oh...uh...yeah... Me neither. Heh...I gotta go wash some towels.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I'm not the only one. I flooded our kitchen back before Elizabeth was born. I had plugged the sink to wash some dishes I believe and got distracted. When I came back out into the kitchen, appromixately 98% of the kitchen floor was covered with agua. And a good portion of the counters too. Like you, all of our towels came into play that day.


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