Monday, April 10, 2006

Burning the Bunnies

Last Friday we had dinner at the Carlsons and they had a special surprise planned for dessert. We roasted marshmallow Peeps bunnies! Now, I think Peeps are disgusting, but I must admit, roasting them is really fun. I like to call them Flaming Screamers because if they're Peeps when they are not on fire...well, I'm sure you can imagine the rest. Plus, they kind of have this high pitched hiss when they start melting.

Anyway, here are Noah and Andrew getting ready to burn their bunnies.

The bunnies in the fire pit.
The first Peeps s'more. It tasted just like a regular one, but kind of crunchy with the sugar.
The mass of melted blue bunnies that dropped off our sticks. Yum.

Andrew holding up his Flaming Screamer (aka charred Peep) "It's on FIRE!!!"

We had a really, really, really good bunny burning time. I'm so excited for more outdoor roasting type stuff.

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