Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Power Struggle

Geary: Noah, it's time to get dressed. Can you take your pajama's off?
Noah: No! 'jama's on!
Geary: 'Jama's off!
Noah: 'Jama's on!
Geary: 'Jama's off!
Noah: No! Sit on the naughty mat*, Daddy!
Geary (in a tremendous Dad voice): Noah! You are dealing with powers greater than you know!
Noah: Sit on the naughty mat!
Geary: No, you will sit on the naughty mat. No talking back to Daddy.
Noah: 'Jama's OFF!

*The Naughty Mat is a small bathmat with a sad face painted on it where Noah serves his "time outs"


  1. FYI: Noah did in fact have to sit on the Naughty Mat. Twice.

  2. that's hilarious.


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