Sunday, August 07, 2005

Book Meme

A highly respected college friend, Hutch, has tagged me for a book meme. His question: "Been reading anything since July 16th?" I have to say that as a self proclaimed bibliophile (aka Bookie Monster), I was slightly affronted. Have I been reading anything??? Are you kidding me? Do I do anything else but read??? However, I've decided to forgive Hutch and answer the questions.

Number of books I own: A plethora. These are only the books in our living room.

I did not photograph the bookcase in Noah's room or the bookcases in Geary's classroom.

Last book I read: *gulp* Okay, this is slightly embarrassing, but I just finished a book called, I Was a Non-Blonde Cheerleader. In, my defense, the book was just sitting there on the Library's New Book Shelf. I was amused by the title, got sucked in by the first paragraph and checked it out. It was a sheer cotton candy read--all fluff and just for fun.
5 books that mean a lot to me:
1. The Bible--One of the ways the Master of the Universe has revealed himself to us, how could this book not be on my list. Recently, I've enjoyed having my husband read aloud to me from the Message version of the Bible.
2. Till We Have Faces --This is one of those life forming books for me. I can identify with every character in the book and in them I see myself, and my masks. The symbolism and metaphor in this book are powerful to me and I usually read it at least once a year.
3. The Chronicles of Narnia--I'm in love with Aslan.
4. The Paper Bag Princess --The ultimate story about girl power. =) I love all Robert Munsch books.
5. The Great Divorce --Okay, I know this list is very C.S. Lewis heavy, but this is another one of those life forming books. It started a lot of deep conversations between Geary and me when we were dating and we still refer to the symbolism and analogies when we talk about our struggles together.

Now I get to tag a few other people and kindly ask them to post their answers on their own blogs. I choose:

Eric & Anita
If you decide to participate, please leave a comment on this blog when your answers are posted. Thanks! Oh, and Hutch...just kidding, I wasn't that offended. =)


  1. Jeana, my deepest and sincerest apologies, you Non-Blonde Cheerleader you.

  2. Okay, okay, okay...but you have to realize that most of our books are still in boxes.

  3. It's up. Read at your leisure.


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