Friday, January 15, 2010

What Does a Grandma Say?

Toby: What does a lion say?

Jeana: Roar!

Toby: What does a bear say?

Jeana: Roar!

Toby: What does a grandma say?

Jeana: Hmm, I don't know. What do you think a grandma says?

Toby: Tweet, tweet?

Jeana: No, that's what a bird says. What does a grandma say?

Toby: Hello, Lover!


  1. Oh, man, I'm so looking forward to more toddler-speak awesomeness! He's going to be as hilarious as Noah, isn't he? Yay!

  2. Grandma loves it too!!!! And I didn't even know I say that!


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