Friday, October 30, 2009

Nursery Sneak Peak

Tomorrow morning I'm hoping to pick up the final pieces I need for the nursery. A twin box spring and frame so that we can still have a guest bed for anyone who'd like to cuddle a newborn and/or cook for us. Once the bed is set up I'll take some pictures for a nursery tour. For now, here are a few cropped images taken in bad lighting to whet your appetite. Enjoy!


  1. you mean mean girl! my appetite is not's veracious!

  2. I can already tell it's super cute! Can't wait to see the whole thing!

  3. okay... I have checked back like 10 times.. I am anxious to see more. I am working on Eden's nursery and Ethan's room... looking forward to having them done so I can take pictures too! It is quite a process... AFTER the baby is born... somehow there is so much less time and energy (for that matter)... I love your creativity and am thankful I can peek in on your life every day via internet ;o)


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