Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Bad Day for Mommy

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to go wrong?, too. I just had one recently. Thursday.

Toby's shots made him fussy all day long which frayed my nerves.

Noah had a couple meltdowns at the park which further frayed my nerves.

I accidentally closed the car trunk on Noah's elbow which made me feel like a horrible mother.

I cracked my thumbnail halfway down while trying to unbuckle Toby's carseat--ouch!

And then...on top of all of that...this happened:

Toby was in his bouncy chair watching me eat dinner--enchiladas. He kept flopping over to one side so I had to keep adjusting him. One time when I adjusted him I noticed that I had gotten enchilada sauce all over his legs. So I wiped off the sauce with my hands and then licked my fingers. wasn't enchilada sauce.

In case you're wondering, breastfed baby poop is completely flavorless.


  1. That is HILLARIOUS! Oh...and...sorry about your day, Zesty!

  2. ay yay yay - hope today is much better!


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