Tuesday, October 31, 2006


I was talking to one of my former small group members and she mentioned that she dislikes the fall season. I was surprised--fall is my favorite season. "Why?" I asked her. "Because, it gets all stressful and everything starts dying. It's totally depressing."

So I shared a secret that I've recently learned about fall. Did you know that all the beautiful colors that the leaves are now showing are the trees' true colors? Yes, some trees are in their very nature, red, and yellow, and orange, and burgundy, and gold! In the spring and summer, their gorgeous colors are covered up by their food, the green chlorophyll. It's only in the fall that we get to see them in their true glory and splendor.

And even though the trees losing their chorophyll means that the leaves are dying, that isn't totally depressing to me. It's kind of exciting actually. Because everything has to die before it can be made new.


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